Veeam Replication Latest Available Restore Point is Already Replicated

The replication warning “Latest available restore point is already replicated” appears when the replication job that’s sourced from a backup/backup copy attempts to run, but there is no new restore point to grab new data from. Here are a few reasons that may cause new data not to be available to replicate:

  1. The backup may not have run before the replication job started. Verify that the source job is scheduled to run before the replication job.

  2. The backup may still be running. Verify if the source backup job is still running and consider scheduling the replication job later.

  3. The source backup may be locked by another job. This may happen when the source backup is in use, i.e., by a backup copy or SureBackup job.

  4. You may have backups which run less often than the replication job. Verify if your replication runs more often than your source backup job. Consider either increasing how often you backup, or decreasing how often you replicate.

  5. A VM may have been removed from the source backup job. Verify if any VMs have been removed from the source backup job. If so, also remove it from the replication job. If the VM has been replaced, check that you have added to your backups and replication jobs.

These are some of the most common reasons we find that cause the “already replicated’ warning to occur. Veeam, replication, and virtualization are complex, so there are many reasons this may occur. If you are still seeing the warning pop up, please reach out to for further assistance.

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